Bourne Leisure Ltd

Bourne Leisure Ltd
WiFi Deployment

Bourne leisure’s portfolio comprises of Haven Leisure Ltd who operate 37 family orientated caravan parks, Butlins Skyline Ltd who operate 3 Butlins holiday resorts in England and 14 Warner leisure hotels exclusively for adults.


Datanet were awarded with delivering over 450 internal and external wireless access points within restaurants and public areas including over 900 WAPs in accommodation rooms in Butlins Bognor Regis.


The installation allowed guests and staff to permanently be connected to the network giving them free Wi-Fi whilst on site. A heat map including WAP locations with pictures were provided to Datanet prior to the project starting. Our project managers spent time completing an intrusive survey on how we were going to deliver the project, organising access and method statements.


As with all projects we like to sit down with the customer and work out a programme of works, this allows us to schedule in areas we will be working in and on what dates setting out the project from the first to the last access point.


We provided the customer with daily reports listing what Datanet had completed and an updated programme of works so that the customer could see progress in real time and highlighting any issues or areas that may need to be revisited. We have found that by doing this the customer can keep in touch with the project and see exactly how Datanet have progressed during the day.


We found that the site presented some challenges including all works were completed whilst the site was fully occupied by families and adult weekends. We liaised with the customer to plan areas and accommodation blocks that would be blocked off so that we could complete works. Ultimately, Datanet had to ensure that the schedule was stuck too and that all health and safety requirements were met at all times.


The project came in on time and in on budget without any major problems. As a result of impressing the customer Datanet were awarded with 2 other large projects in the Bourne leisure group.  

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